But it is truly an experience of consolation…
Faith sensing of one’s sin, growing and intense sorrow
and tears for one’s sins… It is a grace...
2)Praying with sins presupposes certain spiritual maturity
and interior freedom…
3) St. Therese of Lissieux thought of herself
as the greatest of all sinners…
4) Thanking, praising God for my sins: 1Tim 1:12-17
5) Just as Jesus is, all of us are wounded healers…
6) Processof Purification in our Spiritual Life:
Human person is created in the image
and likeness of God...
What is deformed is to be reformed…
What is reformed is to be conformed…
What is conformed is to be confirmed…
What is confirmed is to be transformed.
GLOBAL LEVEL: International terrorism, destructive use of atomic energy, the threat of a nuclear holocaust, wars, man-made ecological disasters, exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, atmospheric pollution, atomic and hydrogen bombs, human rights violation, every nation becoming a threat to the other… etc -0.5% of the defense expenses of various countries can make the poor countries self-sufficient in 10 years… -85% of earth’s resources enjoyed by 15% of people of wealthy nations…
NATIONAL LEVEL: Communalism, politicization of religion, criminalization of politics, discrimination and fighting on the basis of caste, gender and creed, religion, unequal distribution of wealth, malnutrition, widespread illiteracy, lack of work ethics,… -In the church, in the Society of Jesus, In my Province…?
PERSONAL LEVEL: Self-will, Self-interest and self-love…
Who has to or who will change the world…?