Saturday, May 16, 2009
Israel, Palestine and Pope Benedict XVI

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Death Leads one to Life

Jackson Mosha Otto, S.J.: R.I.P.
Funeral Mass of the Resurrection... (11 May, 2009)
At Pedro Arrupe Community of the Society of Jesus,
Nairobi, Kenya.
"I met Jackson for the first time when I was leaving Canisius House (Kinshasa, DRC) for my regency. Jackson just reached Canisius from his Country, Tanzania. Now when I look back to the few days I spent with him, I must say that Jackson was one of the best Jesuits I ever had the grace to meet. He was so calm, so composed. Each one of his words or his actions seemed to be inspired by a life of prayer and humility. I do not remember ever seeing him angry or complaining. He was always ready to help or to enter into a fraternal conversation. He used to call people papa or baba, Swahili for 'father'.There is no doubt, he was considering every one as better than himself or as someone from whom he could learn something. One of the memories I have is when one day during the celebration of his birthday at Canisius ( Kinshasa, DRC) when the time came time for him to say a word, he remembered his family and told us very simply, but also with a very nostalgic look, as if he were in the presence of his family: "Whatever I am I own it to my father and my mother, if I am good or bad with you I have learned it from my father and my mother." But you were so good to us Jackson". You challenged our life, you showed us that we could be Jesuits and Africans; we could be young and serious, simple and efficient. May you repose in peace in the land of our ancestors. May the heavenly community sing praises before the Triune God for you and with you! May you pray for the society of Jesus in Africa so that it may give birth to other saints like you, other authentic African Jesuits like you!"