Sunday, March 1, 2009

First Sunday of Lent Year B

Three significant Lenten Observances: - Intense prayer & Reconciliation... - "Joel-Fasting" = "to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?" - The poor-centric Love-giving (Alms-giving)...
First Sunday of Lent: year B --->01 March, 2009
Liturgical Readings
Genesis 9:8-15
1 Pet 3: 18-22
Mk 1: 12-15
"Homily Our reading this weekend begin with the story of the covenant of God with Noah, and a reminder of the sign of the covenant - the rainbow. How can we understand this story, and what on earth has it got to do with Lent? Some people will look at this story and try to find the historical evidence to support it, and some of that is intriguing: in many cultures there are stories of great floods, and some archeologists have even tried to find evidence of the Ark, and the mountain on which it landed. At the other extreme, there are those who reject the story out of hand. It is just a tale from primitive people, they say, to explain the rainbow, and a way to explain the presence of some beauty in the midst of much danger. Such people would also point out that the destruction of men, women and children alike, cities and civilisations, is very unworthy of a God of love. For the Church though, neither of these paths are satisfactory. The search for historical detail will tell us little of use, and the complete rejection of the story fails to take it seriously at all. Even if one view or the other is true, neither tells us what the story actually means. No, from ancient times, Christian writers have pointed out that it is the symbolism of the story which gives its underlying message. It is a wonderful story with which to begin Lent. Here we have an account of sin and salvation, of destruction and compassion, of faith and hope, of water, and a boat which rides on the water. We hear echoes of the salvation of nations through the waters of the Red Sea, the stilling of the storm by Jesus, and the walking on the water. There are reminders of death and resurrection. We are reminded of the journey of baptism through water, and of the promise of eternal life. And the 40 days on the boat are the 40 days of Christ in the wilderness and they are our 40 days of Lent. A time of jouneying from sin, a time of patient hope, a time of promise, a time of trial, and a time for redemption."

By Fr. Peter Weatherby (Birmingham, England) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Courtesy:
