Saturday, April 18, 2009
Poetry and Science

Friday, April 17, 2009
Image and Likeness of God

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Presence of the Risen Lord

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Monday: Feeling at Home Again

Sunday, April 12, 2009
2009-Easter Sunday:Invitation to Come Alive

Happy Easter to You!
>>>>>>>>>>> Passages from Scripture: Mtt 28: 1-10 Appearance to women. “Do not be afraid”…
Jn 20: 11-18 Appearance to Mary Magdalene… I have seen the Lord.
Lk 24: 9-12, 33-34 Appearance to Peter…..
1 Cor 15: 50-58“O death where is thy victory? O death where is thy sting? Col 3: 1-4 We do not just want our old life patched up - We want to make a breakthrough to a completely new way of living, because Christ, in and through his resurrection, has ushered in a totally new way of life, for himself and for us… A new and transformed order of life is possible for me…
~~~~~~~The paschal mystery is the life, passion, death and resurrection of Christ and his ascension into heaven. Our resurrection with Christ in this life is not complete and will consist in the spiritual joy that comes from an intense spiritual life with Christ in the Spirit… Suffering is not eliminated but hundredfold now will be to taste and see how sweet the Lord is. We rejoice that Christ is raised from the dead and we ask him to give us his consolation constantly so that we may find him in all things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Easter in our Lives
Each time we love again after having our love rejected, we share in the power of the resurrection.
Each time we trust again after having our trust betrayed, we share in the resurrection.
Each time we fail and try again, we share in the resurrection.
Each time we hope again after having our hope smashed into pieces, we share in the resurrection.
Each time we pick up the pieces, wipe our tears, face the sun, and start again, we share in the power of the resurrection.
Each time we dare see something good in others, we are in the light of the resurrection.
Each time we heartily forgive others, we proclaim the Risen Lord.
Each time we recognize and accept that we are fallible human beings, the strength of the Risen Lord envelops and embraces us.
Each time we go out of our way and help those who are poor and in need, we participate in the liberating power of the Crucified and Risen Lord.
Each time we show our gratefulness to those who may point out in good faith our shortcomings, we rise to the stature of a genuine disciple of Jesus, the Risen Lord.
The message of Easter is that nothing can destroy us anymore - not pain, not sorrow, not sin, not rejection, not even death.
The revelation coming from Easter is that Christ has conquered all, and that we too can conquer all, if we unite ourselves with him.
It is good news that we don't have to wait until death to share in the resurrection of Christ Jesus.
We can begin to do it right now, in this life, at this moment.
May the Risen Lord "EASTER IN US!"