Friday, November 7, 2008
Story Meditation 3
Read the following story…
Quitely breath in and breath out …
Create a quiet space within you…
Experience the healing power of silence within you…
Let the story speak to your inner self… not to your brain…
Let it reveal to you its interior depth and meaning.
A meaning beyond words and reflections…
Carry the story around with you all day…
Enjoy the inner freedom that emerges from within.
Whisper a prayer of blessing on the whole human race!… Amen
“He thought it was of vital importance to be poor and austere. It had never dawned on him that the vitally important thing was to drop his ego; that the ego fattens on holiness just as much as on worldliness, on poverty as on riches, on austerity as on luxury. There is nothing the ego will not seize upon to inflate itself.”
“Disciple: I have come to you with nothing in my hands.
Master: The drop it at once!
Disciple: But how can I drop it? I t is nothing.
Master: Then Carry it around with you!”
“You can make a possession of your nothing.
And carry your renunciation around you like a trophy.
Don’t drop your possessions. Drop your ego.”
Anthony de Mello S.J., The Song of the Bird (Anand, India, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1982), pp. 130-131
Drop Your Ego
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Story-Meditation - 2
Read the story given below…
Create a quiet space within you…
Experience the healing power of silence within you…
Let the story speak to your heart… not to your brain…
Let it reveal to you its inner depth and meaning.
A meaning beyond words and reflections… Carry the story around with you all day…
Enjoy the inner freedom that emerges from within.
A few moments of spontaneous prayer… Amen
“A disciple once complained to his Master:
‘You tell us stories, but you never
reveal their meaning to us.’
Said the Master:
‘How would you like it if someone
offered you fruit and masticated it
before giving it to you?’
No one can find your meaning for you.
Not even the Master. ”
Anthony de Mello S.J., The Song of the Bird (Anand, India, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1982), p.2.
Go beyond...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Story-Meditation -1
Read the story given below…
Create a quiet space within you… Experience the healing power of silence within you…
Let the story speak to your heart… not to your brain…
Let it reveal to you its inner depth and meaning.
A meaning beyond words and reflections… Carry the story around with you all day…
Enjoy the inner freedom that emerges from within.
A few moments of spontaneous prayer… Amen
“The seeker approached the Disciple
Respectfully and asked, ‘What is the meaning of human life?’
The Disciple consulted the Written
Works of His master and confidently
replied with the words of the Master
himself: ‘Human life is nothing but
the expression of God’s exuberance.’
When the Seeker met the Master himself and asked him the same question,
the Master said, ‘I do not know’.
The Seeker says, ‘I do not know.’ That takes honesty.
The Master says, ‘I do not know. That takes a mystical mind that knows all things through non-knowing.
The Disciple says, ‘I know.’ That takes ignorance. In the form of borrowed knowledge. ”
Anthony de Mello S.J., The Song of the Bird.
(Anand, India, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1982),pp.54-55
Meaning of Human Life
Picture-Meditation 1

Spiritual Experience
Monday, November 3, 2008
African Prayer

“Inspired by titles of some novels and books about Africa”
“God of our Brother Jesus Christ,
Things are falling apart in Africa, and we are no longer at ease; the evils that torment us are like an open sore.
Daily we walk upon the famished road to parched
farm lands dying in the sun; our hunt for food is like
striving for the wind; in vain we search for a grain of wheat
in our granaries.
At sunset we walk the narrow path back to shadows
of the night; on our bamboo beds we contemplate
fragments of our broken dreams; we lack even
the will to die.
God of our Brother, Jesus Christ,
Hear the voice of Africa; heal the wound and tribal scars
That have disfigured the face of our continent;
lead us with compassion on our long walk to freedom.
Free us from the evil that keeps us bound to violence;
may our children live more than a few nights and days.
When our eyes are shut in death, may we never
become a carcass for hounds; bring us in safety
into the house of the ancestors; where we may dwell in
peace for two thousand seasons.
Agbonkhianmehe E. Orobator, Theology Brewed in an African Pot ((Maryknoll, New York, Orbis Books, 2008), pp. 64-65.
Prayer in confidence
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