(The Lioness and the Oryx) by Little Sister Jane Namayiani of Jesus, (Toy Market, Kibera: Tel Number: +254- 711855249), Nairobi - Kenya.

The Lioness and the Oryx
Just before Christmas 2001, at a time of clashes in the Samburu area and in Kibera, Nairobi, a strange event was reported occurring in Samburu game reserve: a full grown lioness was roaming in the company of an Oryx calf... Thee frail brown baby Oryx was walking side by side with her, until they together to rest, at the foot of the Koitogor Hill, near the Serena Samburu.
The same event was reported 4 times. The third time, the lioness, Kamunyak, allowed the Oryx mother to come and feed the baby, for a long while. Then she decided to let them both go together. The Oryx is in the orphanage, growing big.
Masaai and Samburu are people intimately linked with the life of those steppes where such animals live. This is what one of them said after having watched closely some of those pictures: “Such an event strikes me deeply in my heart. God is speaking to us through this lioness. We are going back to the former times when we were all living in peace, and I see that it is going to happen again. Why? Because, these days, people do not ask for tribe. They just help each other as brothers and sisters.
Face to face with the enormous violence, hatred and war in the present-day world, this factual story from the animal kingdom throws up a challenge before us humans to take the commandment of love seriously. Compassion is love in action!
Humility is truth and truth humility!
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1: 7)