Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
God created the waters
Happy New Year to YOU!
Click the forward button above
and listen to the free-flowing music
of the waterfall and be enriched by it.
Have I thanked the Lord enough for creating water?
"Millions of water drops
drops of water millions of drops
Falling down the rocks
Millions of water drops
Glittering in the sun Shining like pearls
Millions of water drops
Ending as a river
Finding way to ocean
Millions of water drops
Creating childrens happiness
Laughter and joyfullness
Millions of water drops
Soon will tide reach
White long shores
Millions of water drops
Animating Waves into forming caves
Millions of water drops
splittering from above
till reaching top of the hill
Millions of water drops
Without them no sound
No whispers of the living
Millions of water drops
Watch the clearness
From crest to earth
Millions of water drops
For tribe’s best Beware of waste
Millions of water drops
Treasured should they be
As belonging to all humanity."
(Poem ...> Courtesy: Moncita Monoi Angel, Switzerland)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year 2009
Let the year, 2009 be a NEW YEAR TO ALL OF US!
Will I be a NEW Person in 2009?
Will the members of my family be NEW?
Will the members of my community be in anyway different?
Will my friends be NEW?
Will my life-situations be NEW in 2009?
Well, my life-situations may not change in 2009...
I may catch myself behaving the same old way in the new year...
My family members may not become all of a sudden new...
Members of my community may not behave in any way new... My friends may not have new faces in 2009... My fortunes may not change in the new year... ================== But, ... My out look on life can change for the better...
It is possible for me to change my attitudes in a life-affirming way...
My attitudes to the members of my family and friends can change for the better...
The way I see them can change in a radical manner... The way I think and reason can change in a life- affirming way... If I can say "no" to my life-denying passions and clingings, then there is the possibility that everything becomes bathed in the sunshine of new life and loving relationships...It is not the world that has to change;
but the world in me that has to change...
If that happens, then,
the divine light will shine on everything,
on every event, and on every person! ***********************
Shall we take the "risk"
of allowing the all-loving God
to break into us
with His compassionate face in 2009.
*********************** May all of us see a "New Heaven and a New earth" in 2009!
Thank you for journeying with me.
If you do not mind, just click on the id below and send your observations:
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last Day of 2008
Click on the forward button above to see the video
and listen to the music...
The dance of the School Children
of Kodaikanal in South India.
May the peace of Jesus enlighten your life!
Doing or saying something which will light a smile on someone we meet today will be a meaningful way of celebrating/sharing the experience of "Emmanuel" on the last day of the year, 2008.
Let us never forget to thank the Lord for the wonders he has worked in our lives in the year, 2008.
Comments to:
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Honouring the elders
Dance-form is a human expression
of praising, reverencing and glorifying God!
Click on the forward button above
to see the video and listen to the music...
"Clap your hands, all peoples!
Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
Sing praises to God, sing praises!
Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For God is the King of all the earth;
sing praises with a psalm." (Psalm 47)
Do I praise the New Born babe Jesus with a psalm?
Let me speak to Him in the language I know, express my feelings of joy and sorrow
and say: "Lord I praise you with the feeling that I experience just now."
Believe that you have offered to the Babe of Bethlehem a wonderful,
personal psalm of your life!
May the peace and joy of "Emmanuel"
be with you during this Christmas-season!
Comments to:
I thank the Lord for you, my friend!