Response to the posting on my blog (22nd July, 2009)
By Fr. Joseph Chira, S.J.,
Missionary in Guyana for forty years and now serving in the Kerala Province of the Society of Jesus.
Thank you very much indeed, Fr. Chira.
May God be praised!
[Dear Malpan,
Thank you for communicating with me through your blog.I appreciate very much your effort to help others pray the Scriptures.I have done some similar attempts to pray. I used to advise others during my missionary pastoral presence in Guyana for forty years to pray with short texts that say something personally to each one. Some have found it an ideal way to be in the presence of the Lord during the hustle and bustle of the day.You have done a great job in spelling out how the verse changes one's attitude and mood for the day for God's praise and glory as well as experiencing peace of heart.Today I was telling our 17 prenovices how they could listen to the Scripture reading of the day (Feast of Mary Magdalene) and look out for verses that touch them and find meaning in their life.Some of the verses from today's scripture readings that touched me: "I will seek him whom my heart loves.""My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God." "Your steadfast love is better than life."Jesus said to her, "Mary" She said, "Rabbouni." (Jesus calls me by name and I respond, "Master")May the Lord be praised through your loving effort to glorifying him by sharing your discoveries with others.
With prayerful good wishes,Fr. Joe Chira, S.J.]