To experience life in its wholeness:
Joy, Anguish, insecurity, Contradictions of Living Existentially Enjoy a few quite moments of silence
before reading the following… Let all the tension in you flow away… Read the following insights one by one;
allow each sentence to touch your inner self… Do not rationalize… Just wonder… Let your whole self be changed for the better…
1) In the best of us there is the worst...”
I can will what is right but I cannot do it.
For I do not do the good I want,
but the evil that I do not want is what I do.”
(Rom 7/18-19)
2) In the worst of us there is the best...”
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has made me
free from the law of sin and death.” Rom 8/2
3) The masculine and the Feminine...
4) Our strength as Weakness;
Our Weakness as strength... “... Strength is made perfect in weakness...
for when I am weak then I am strong.”
5) Every opportunity is a crisis;
every crisis is an opportunity...
hence discernment...
6) Western principle of Contradiction:
Either/ Or (White or black)...
7) Eastern Principle of Contradiction:
Both/and... (White and black)
8) Contradictions are solved at higher levels:
union, convergence, love...
9) Be friendly with your weakness/shadow...
10) Without fight there is no victory...
11) Without resistance one cannot walk;
if the floor is too smooth it is difficult to walk...
12) Differences are to be accepted,
appreciated and celebrated...
13) Reality is a rainbow...
it is not monochromatic...
14) Wounded healer...
Jesus is the wounded healer...
We are called to participate in this mission...
Interir Freedom -> Passionate attachment ->
On fire -> Compassion - >
Peace... Peace... Peace... Peace... Peace.
E-Mail: vmalpan@gmail.com