Success is Never Ending
Failure is Never Final
Success is noblest when it leaves you with the self-respect that you have been a good steward of the life, liberties, possibilities, and opportunities that God offered you.
Success is never ending...
because success is a process.
The death of a caterpillar and birth of a butterfly do not mean that the caterpillar has stopped succeeding.
The positive perception of failure is all important! Without it, enthusiasm disappears. Depression moves in. Discouragement takes over. Energy dries up. Resources no longer supply life to the enterprise.
I know a young man who died in his early thirties after a brief public career brought him fame in his time and in his territory. The tragic element in his life story is that after stunning success he was falsely accused of a crime that resulted in his imprisonment, trial, and execution! The death penalty was carried out. The end of his life was utter disgrace, humiliation, and shame. I could weep as I think of the whole sad, sordid spectacle of this social injustice... He failed - didn’t he? Not really! His come back was solid - and sensational. That young man’s name was eventually vindicated. His name is Jesus Christ.
To turn scars into stars...
Attitude is more important than knowledge...
Creative dreams are god-given interior impulses (movements)...
Failure is never final!
Fear not that you might fail... Fear rather that you might never succeed if you never dare to try...
Fear not that you might make a mistake believing in your dream....
Fear rather that if you don’t go for it you might stand
before God and He’ll tell you "you could have succeeded if you’d had more faith".
Fear not that if it doesn’t work out you’ll be embarrassed...
Fear rather that if you don’t try that, time will only prove you could have succeeded!
Fear not that you might fail...
Fear rather that you will never succeed if you don’t start taking risks.
Fear not that you might be hurt...
Fear rather that you might never grow if you keep waiting for painless success.
Fear not that you might love and lose... Fear rather that you might never love at all.
Fear not that others might laugh at your mistakes... Fear rather that God will say to you, “O you of little faith.”
Fear not that you might fall again... Fear rather that you might have made it the next time if you had only tried once more and given it all you had.
Failure doesn’t mean you do not know how to make decisions; it just means you have to make another decision.
You can overcome the fear of failure
when you re-define that word:
Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure...
It does mean you haven’t succeeded yet.
Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing...
It does mean you have learned something.
Failure doesn’t mean you have been a fool...
It does mean you had a lot of faith.
Failure doesn’t mean you have been disgraced...
It does mean you were willing to try.
Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it...
It does mean you have to do something in a different way.
Failure doesn’t mean you have wasted your life...
It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.
Failure doesn’t mean you should give up...
It does mean you must have a different approach.
Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it...
It does mean it will take a little longer.
Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you...
It does mean God has a better idea.
Failure doesn’t mean you’re finished...
It does mean you have a chance to try something new.
So it’s true! Failure is never final!
Adapted From
Success is Never Ending - Failure is Never Final
By Robert H. Schuller, New York, Bantam Books, 1982.
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