"Death is swallowed up in victory.
O death where is thy voctory?" (1 Cor 15: 54-55)
World's oldest Jesuit dies at 104 -
[A few days after becoming the oldest Jesuit in the world, retired US St Louis University professor, Fr Raymond H. Reis, has died aged 104. Fr Reis had been aware for some time he was the second oldest of all the nearly 20,000 Jesuits worldwide, and the oldest priest in the order, St Louis Today reports. His death came a few days after word arrived from Rome advising of the death of the previous oldest Jesuit, in Mexico. Fr Reis had two careers with the Jesuits. After retiring from teaching, he returned to school to become a registered nurse. He was born in St Louis on March 25, 1905, attended Kenrick High School and graduated from Quincy Academy in Illinois in 1923. He joined the Jesuit order at St Stanislaus Seminary in Florissant in 1926. He returned to St Louis University and earned a doctorate in biology in 1940. He taught at Marquette University in Milwaukee and Rockhurst College (now Rockhurst University) in Kansas City and was a visiting researcher at the University of Milan. He returned to St Louis University, where he taught biology from 1961 until he retired for the first time in 1973. He then studied nursing at the university and worked as a nurse for the residents of Jesuit Hall until 1992, when he retired again.] http://www.cathnews.com/