!The Fourteenth Station:Jesus is Laid in the Sepulcher
So great a love- so great a God- so great a day!AmenMy Jesus, You were laid to rest in a stranger's tomb. You were born with nothing of this world's goods and You died detached from everything. When You came into the world, men slept and angels sang and now as You leave it, Creation is silent and only a few weep. Both events were clothed in obscurity. The majority of men live in such a way. Most of us live and die knowing and known by only a few. Were You trying to tell us, dear Jesus, how very important our lives are just because we are accomplishing the Father's Will? Will we ever learn the lesson of humility that makes us content with who we are, where we are and what we are?
Will our Faith ever be strong enough to see power in weakness and good in the sufferings of our lives? Will our Hope be trusting enough to rely on Your Providence even when we have nowhere to lay our head? Will our Love ever be strong enough not to take scandal in the cross?
My Jesus, hide my soul in Your heart as You lie in the Sepulcher alone. Let my heart be as a fire to keep you warm. Let my desire to know and love You be like a torch to light up the darkness. Let my soul sing softly a hymn of repentant love as the hours pass and Your Resurrection is at hand. Let me rejoice, dear Jesus, with all the Angels in a hymn of praise ! Amen
You are invited to prayerfully reflect on the following:
Enjoy a few quite moments of silence before reading the following…
Let all the tension in you flow away…
Read the following insights one by one;
allow each sentence to touch your inner self…
Do not rationalize…
Just wonder…
Let your whole self be changed for the better…
The Spirit is praying within you!
Amazing Grace!
I have been granted the gift of another day!
How did the universe come to be?
However brilliant, educated, or experienced we may be,
we do not know everything that there is to know…
The more we know ,
the more we realize that we do not know…
Happiness is not tomorrow.
Happiness is now!
In every word I say,
each action I perform,
God intervenes in history.
"When you pass through the waters
I will be with you;and through the rivers,
they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire
you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you.
For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour." (Isaiah 43:2-3)