Belem City, Brazil
Dear Friends,Please find below an abridged version of the report of the Inauguration of the Pre-Forum (of the World Social Form 2009)and the first day of the Pre-Forum. Xavier
The Inauguration of Pre-Forum:The delegates of South Asian Peoples' Initiatives from South Asia arrived at Belem in Brazil, Airport at 1.30 P.M. from Delhi via Paris and Rio de Janeiro. The spaciously designed tiny airport was full of signs of the coming World Social Forum. Students, organizations and other prominent personalities were being welcomed; rhythmic drum beat and riotously coloured dancing boys and girls with typical Portuguese songs were sights that told us of the people with warm heart in an equatorial warm country.
Giuseppe Reggi received us; we arrived in the Centre for Cultural Formation at 2.30 P.M. After a little rest we started preparing for the coming days. Xavier our coordinator led us into the preparations.
On 24th morning, we practiced street plays, skits and songs. These practices made us more visible among the slowly arriving delegates. At around 4.30 P.M. students, Jesuit activists, collaborators began gathering in the portico of the building; our names were registered, name tags and files were provided.
All the SAPI members had worn specially designed Adivasi overcoats and green headbands. We moved around, talked with some, shook hands with many, and shared the joy of coming together. Language was not a barrier; men, women gathered from all the continents with much expectation had one message:
"Come let us join our hands."
With these sentiments, the group moved to a roofed open space. The pre-forum started with welcome note by Roberto Jaramillo SJ (Jesuit Superior of Amazonia Region) at 5.30 pm (local time). He explained the dynamics of the coming three days. That we have come here for faith reflection was emphasized often.
The gathering was informal with all the delegates standing around. The archbishop of Belem Dom Orani was the chief guest for the day. He stood all along with the delegates. His message was clear that Jesuits have strong history in Amazonian region; issues affecting the poor and the marginalized communities are to be voiced; protection of Amazon is inextricably linked with the saving of the planet. Let us be united with one another and go head with the responsible action to save the planet and the poor.
Then each group was called for the introduction: Africa, America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia and Brazil. Each team member introduced self briefly and presented its message with symbolic gesture.
South Asia team presented a plant with soil and spread the message "All Indigenous People Unite".
People gathering from 31 countries offering the message of "bridging"
"Save Planet"
"Land is life"
gave hope that another world is necessary and possible.
Portuguese musical treat with troupe dancers presenting classical and folk dances ending it with invitation to dance together concluded the inaugural session. Diversity, experience of larger humanity, solidarity in suffering overcoming the language barrier and above all communion, joy in the struggle, and bondedness convictions, and aspirations proclaimed the possibility of the NEW WORLD.
Pre-Forum – First Day (25.01.09) The first day of the pre-forum exercises started with a prayer service on the theme" promotion of Life" The song "This morning I take life from my God" summed up the aspiration of the gathered people.
Then Senator Marina Silva enlightened us the meaning of faith in the struggle for the protection of environment. Her experience as the Minister for the Environment in Mr.Lula's government for six years was a struggle for the humanity. She started her address with the affirmation that social movements are faith imperatives. Political actions are necessary for the implementation of your Christian values. She emphasized the link between Jesus' commandment "GO" and the social movements. She was shaped by liberation theology. Often we are not sufficiently equipped to fulfill the faith imperatives. Her major theme was the protection of Amazon by the poor in and through socio-political action. People are enveloped by emotions at the mention of Amazon.
What happens to the amazon will affect the planet because of the enormity of the biodiversity and the dependence of ocean for the pure water provided by Amazon. There are 200 communities living in Amazon area; 20% of the species of the world live in this eco system. So protection of it is to protect the communities and the planet. She emphasized the fact that forest should be considered as inter –dependent diverse eco- existence. For 60 million people identity is tied with forest and their economy is based on the living biodiversity. The greedy industry is at the forefront of Amazon's destruction. She gave the following advise to all of us:
1. Make sure that the governments strengthen the national Environment system.
2. Let the implementation of the policies be under people's control; their participation
is very necessary for the implementation.
3. Promote sustainable development.
4. Educate the government departments and join hands with police and military.
5. Expose people who are involved in the criminal activities.
6. Let the ordinary people have access to information.
7. There must be transparency in all the actions. Throughout her political career
she made sure that she was guided by the ethics while taking decisions. She boldly
said that her faith led her to take pro-people decisions. When she resigned people
today continue the actions initiated by her. Her final words were:
formulate vision
based on your faith and
make actions as Public Exercises of Faith.
Do visit again. Thank you!