“Inspired by titles of some novels and books about Africa”
“God of our Brother Jesus Christ,
Things are falling apart in Africa, and we are no longer at ease; the evils that torment us are like an open sore.
Daily we walk upon the famished road to parched
farm lands dying in the sun; our hunt for food is like
striving for the wind; in vain we search for a grain of wheat
in our granaries.
At sunset we walk the narrow path back to shadows
of the night; on our bamboo beds we contemplate
fragments of our broken dreams; we lack even
the will to die.
God of our Brother, Jesus Christ,
Hear the voice of Africa; heal the wound and tribal scars
That have disfigured the face of our continent;
lead us with compassion on our long walk to freedom.
Free us from the evil that keeps us bound to violence;
may our children live more than a few nights and days.
When our eyes are shut in death, may we never
become a carcass for hounds; bring us in safety
into the house of the ancestors; where we may dwell in
peace for two thousand seasons.
Agbonkhianmehe E. Orobator, Theology Brewed in an African Pot ((Maryknoll, New York, Orbis Books, 2008), pp. 64-65.
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