"Every year the Church celebrates this holy season of ADVENT.
Every year we roll up all our NEEDS and YEARNINGS and faithful EXPECTATATIONS into one word: "COME".
And yet, what a strange word this is! After all, YOU HAVE ALREADY COME and pitched your tent among us. YOU have ALREADY shared our life with its joys, its pains and sufferings...
Could you approach any NEARER to us than you did when you became the "SON OF MAN"... one of us in all things...
In spite of all this we still pray, "COME LORD JESUS, come!
Slowly a light is beginning to dawn...!
But still you will COME AGAIN, because the fact that you have already come must continue to be revealed ever more clearly. It will become progressivley more manifest to the world that the heart of all things is already transformed, because you have taken them all to your HEART!
YOU MUST CONTINUE TO COME MORE AND MORE. What already has taken place in the roots of all reality must be made more and more apparent."
"The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in you that is not yet Christ." (Thomas Merton)
Contact: vmalpan@gmail.com
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