Burning candles symbolize 'presence and hope'.
They symbolize the divine presence as well as the presence of the one who lights them.
Divine presence in the form of light,
God is light.
Human presence in the form of ever-longing,
Ever-burning desire to get in touch with the divine light,
Burning candles are really intercessory prayers, prayers of thanksgiving because they stand for
the faith experience of the persons who light them.
The anxiety, concern, hope, thanksgiving and aspirations of the persons are purified in the
burning flames.
Beyond the materiality of the burning candles,
There is discernible the mystery of the INCARNATION!
Lo! The Divine in the form of a burning flame!
Lo! The Human in the form of a burning candle!
The Human Longing giving birth to the Divine Incandescence!
What a faith experience!
Let us kindle a fire in the hearts of our unfortunate brothers and sisters who are marginalized,
persecuted, unjustly treated... Who suffer from incurable diseases...
The Christmas Star has to shed its radiant light on those
who are outside our family circles, our community,
our tribal/caste/country/continent loyalties... We have to let Jesus be born again in every person in every continent.
Let us not imprison Jesus within the four walls of our house, community.
Let us not mould Jesus in our own image!
When we take the initiative to get out of ourselves and get into the lives of others with a flame of
love, compassion and forgiveness we celebrate the "Coming of the Lord".
Let us give Jesus to our unfortunate brothers and sisters in the form of an encouraging word,
a welcoming word, a smile, a little bit of
financial help, a friendly visit, an expression of sympathy.
Let there be the saving presence of Jesus in our plans to celebrate Christmas this year.
Let us not be too much inward looking!
Let us allow Jesus to be born again IN THIS WORLD!
Amen! Come Lord Jesus!
Contact: vmalpan@gmail.com
Thank you!
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