"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father." (Jn 1:14)
Wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas!
"He comes, comes, ever comes!"
May the God of this surpassing love and wonder, who came to us at Bethlehem and took us by the hand, bless you this Christmas and fill your lives, even in the darkest places, with his grace, compassion and love!
May my gift to the Child Jesus today
be a gentle smile ,
a helping hand to anyone in need,
spending some quality time with those who are physically or mentally challenged,
giving an idea to spread the message of reconciliation and peace,
giving a gentle push to someone who wavers,
giving an ear to someone who wants to share,
contributing money to help a starving person to have a meal today,
and above all,
to be gratefully present to Jesus who has come among us and to learn from Him the real meaning of poverty.
"He comes, comes, ever comes!"
Comments to: vmalpan@gmail.com