Is Jesus Christ "an idea" for me?
Is he the Saviour-God for me?
When did I meet Jesus Christ last?
Or better still,
have I ever met/experienced him at all?
CHOOSING CHRIST IN THE WORLD (A prayer for you and me)
"I choose to breathe the breath of Christ that makes all life holy.
I choose to live the flesh of Christ that outlasts sin’s corrosion and decay.
I choose the blood of Christ along my veins and
in my heart that fills me with joy.
I choose the living waters flowing from His side
to wash clean my own self and the world itself.
I choose the passion of Christ
to charge my senseless sorrows
with meaning and to make my pain redemptive.
I choose You, Good Jesus, You know.
I choose you Good Lord;
count me among those whom You have won in bitter suffering.
Make me safe from all that seeks to destroy me.
Summon me to come to You.
Grant me the grace to choose Christ in the world.
Allow me with all the angels and the saints
to exult in all You mean to do for me and for all for ever and ever.