Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jesus challenges

This Jesus Challenges Me I am unaware, and He tells me: REMEMBER AND RELIVE… I am afraid, and He tells me: TAKE COURAGE… I am furious, and He tells me: FORGIVE… I have doubts, and He tells me: HAVE CONFIDENCE… I FEEL RESTLESS, AND He tells me: BE CALM… I prefer to go my own way, and He tells me: COME AND FOLLOW ME… I make my own plans, and He tells me: FORGET ABOUT THEM… I want security, and He tells me: I PROMISE YOU ABSOLUTELY NOTHING… I like to live my own life and He tells me: LOSE YOUR LIFE… I believe I am good, and He tells me: GOOD IS NOT SUFFICIENT… I like to boss, and He tells me: SERVE… I like to command others and He tells me: OBEY… I like to understand and He tells me: BELIEVE… I like clarity and He tells me PARABLES… I like poetry and He speaks to me in REALITIES… I like tranquility and He likes me to be DISTURBED… I like violence and He says: PEACE BE WITH YOU… I think of revenge and He says: OFFER THE OTHER CHEEK… I like to remain hidden and He says: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE… No, I don’t understand this Jesus, He provokes me; He confuses me… I would like to follow another Master who would be more certain and less demanding. But I experienced almost the same as Peter: “I do not know of anyone else, WHO HAS THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE.”

Friday, July 17, 2009

Drop your nothing

Read the following story… Quitely breath in and breath out … Create a quiet space within you… Experience the healing power of silence within you… Let the story speak to your inner self… not to your brain… Let it reveal to you its interior depth and meaning. A meaning beyond words and reflections… Carry the story around with you all day… Enjoy the inner freedom that emerges from within. Whisper a prayer of blessing on the whole human race!… Amen “DROP YOUR NOTHING” “He thought it was of vital importance to be poor and austere. It had never dawned on him that the vitally important thing was to drop his ego; that the ego fattens on holiness just as much as on worldliness, on poverty as on riches, on austerity as on luxury. There is nothing the ego will not seize upon to inflate itself.” “Disciple: I have come to you with nothing in my hands. Master: The drop it at once! Disciple: But how can I drop it? I t is nothing. Master: Then Carry it around with you!” “You can make a possession of your nothing. And carry your renunciation around you like a trophy. Don’t drop your possessions. Drop your ego.”
.................................... Anthony de Mello S.J., The Song of the Bird (Anand, India, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1982), pp. 130-131 ....................................

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It takes courage to see

“Gentle breeze from the four corners of the earth, Bear our prayer on your wings to the court of the most high God. Blazing sun, do not scotch our petition. Falling rain, do not drown our request. Flashing lightening, do not strike down our plea. Roaring thunder, do not scare our supplication… Beaming moon, illumine our prayer before our God. Twinkling stars, show our prayer the way to the abode of God. Gentle dew, water the path of our prayer to the dwelling of God, the most high. Rustling wind, make our prayer pleasing to the ears of God. Gentle breeze from the four corners of the earth, Bear our prayer on your wings to the court of the most high God.” ---------------------------- Courtesy: Agbonkhianmehe E. Orobator, Theology Brewed in an African Pot ((Maryknoll, New York, Orbis Books, 2008), pp. 34-35.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jesus is still around

Jesus Christ is still around. When did you see him last? Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually. Ps 105: 4 == Bless the Lord, O my soul;All that is within me, bless his holy name! … ==
The Lord is merciful and gracious,slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. (Ps. 103)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Moving on ...

You come alive each time you dare to die- Let go, Move on, Bid things goodbye. When you can freely give your hands and feet for nailing… and your heart to be pierced and bled, you will know the taste, at last of life and liberation. In every word I say, each action I perform, God intervenes in history.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Contemplation is a being with experience...
Looking at the above pictures with a sense of wonder
can transport you to a realm of of divine consciousness that is beyond pictures and images.
So be it! You are invited to spend a few moments...