RELAX PLEASE . . . . Dirty Hands - A teacher sees a lad entering the classroom ... his hands were very dirty. She stopped him and said, "John, please wash your hands. My goodness, what would you say if I came into the room with hands like that?" Smiling the boy replied, "I think I'd be too polite to mention it."----------------------
-Dress Shop Burglary - "You admit having broken into the dress shop four times?" asked the judge. "Yes," answered the suspect. "And what did you steal?" "A dress, your honor," replied the suspect. "One dress?" echoed the judge. "But you admit breaking in four times!" "Yes, your honor," sighed the suspect. "But three times my wife didn't like the color." ----------------
-Lecture: The art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through the minds of either. --------------
- Break Up - A daughter broke-up with her boyfriend. She asked for her Mother's advice about returning the gifts he'd given her. Without a pause, her Mother replied, "Send back the stuffed animals and letters,but keep the jewelry for sentimental reasons." ------------