My friends - the law should always be interpreted by love
- Jesus himself pointed this out when he stated that the Sabbath was
made for man, not man for the Sabbath;
but for those who have accepted the new covenant that has been offered to us in Him, this does not mean that the law can be watered down and then
finally discarded.
Jesus refused to walk the path of compromise when it came to the law -
indeed he pointed out the Spirit of the Law of Love is far more demanding
than the written letter of the law.
Where the ten commandments outlaw adultery,
Jesus outlaws even the thought of adultery,
where the ten commandments outlaw murder,
Jesus outlaws even the hateful intent.
If we wish to ignore the law of God
- or just to water it down in the name of love
then let us not pretend to the name of Christ
- to the name of the one who kept the law perfectly..
The law is given to us out of love. It is designed to keep us safe and
provide us with guidance and light as we navigate the minefield of this
The law is part of the covenant that God has made with us to be our God.
That covenant is not harsh or harmful;
it is loving and forgiving, it is merciful and kind.
So merciful and kind is that covenant
- the covenant that we have in Christ,
that a promise is made to us -
the promise that when we break the law,
and then realize what we have done and are repentant,
that God will forgive us - and heal us,
that God will reckon to us the perfect righteousness of Christ..
The law should not be a cause of despair for us,
but rather a cause for joy -
for it is the expression of God's love for us
every bit as much as Christ's death on the cross is an expression of
God's love for us.
The law which God has given us to guide us in the ways of love can be found
in this book,
The love of Christ which forgives us and saves us -
the love which we are called to show to one another,
the love which embodies the fulfilment and completion of the law
- that love is found in every one who believes in him and seeks to walk as
he walked, trusting in God and in his word.
Listen to that love - listen to the Lord your God - and be faithful.
Praise be to God - now and evermore. Amen
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous.
By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
We give you thanks O God for your love and for the law you give us to
guide us in your ways. Help us to live as you have shown us.
Lord hear our prayer.
And in your love answer. Amen!