“Dear Friend in Christ,
The last couple of months have been ones of serious contemplation & introspection, leading at times to frustration, until the LORD cheered me up and showed me the bright & positive side - The Light at the end of the long tunnel.
For instance, near-by, an old man named 'Joseph Dias' died recently and we had a whole lot of friends enquiring, whether it was me!!! It set me thinking - Life is short & unsure. Eternity is forever. I could almost picture myself in the coffin with thousands glaring at the body. I could not stop myself from wondering - Is there some good I could have done, but did not do? And I discovered so many things, I did not know where to start!!! And even as I was coming to - What will the Lord say to / of me, when I meet Him ? - the following email came across:
A rich man complained to his friend, "People don't like me. They say I am selfish and stingy. And yet in my last will and testament I have donated all that I own to a charitable institution." His friend said, "Well maybe the story of the cow and the pig has a lesson for you.
The pig came to the cow and complained, "People always talk about your friendliness. Well it's true you give them milk. But they get much more from me. They get ham and bacon and lard, and they even cook my feet. And yet –no one likes me….to all of them I am just a pig, a hog. Why is that?" The cow thought it over and then said, "Perhaps it's because I give while I am still alive."
John Milton wrote Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained after having been afflicted with total blindness. Beethoven wrote some of his great music, including his Ninth Symphony after he was almost completely deaf. Imagine our potential – if we have been blessed with just good health, not to speak of the numerous of God’s other blessings.
To cut a long story short, I decided to have a personal vision & a plan for whatever days are left here on planet earth. I also could not help wondering about some of my more elderly friends - senior citizen Christians who have much value, which the community could use. I decided to absorb as much as I could, while they were still around & pass it on, before I too go on to join them with the Lord. So many of the community development initiatives, you hear of coming from The CSF, might well be from some of them...”
With warm personal regards,
Your Servant in the Lord's Service
Joseph Dias, Gen Sec +91 9769 55 56 57
& The CSF Team www.thecsf.org
Contact: vmalpan@gmail.com