Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Evaluating One's Life


Spending a few moments to reflect prayerfully on the following points and finding where one actually is with regrad to them can give her/him a sense of realism and discovery.


human; loving; caring;

in harmony with God,

the other, the cosmos and the self;

happiness and joy;


taking life seriously in order to grow;

making prayer as part of one's life;

standing for justice and

being ready to sacrifice one's life for it;


sense of personal com­mitment and accountability;

love of interior silence;

patience; external decorum and interior humility;

radiating Jesus' love to others;


maturity in interpersonal rela­tionships;

courage to face the difficulties of life;

psychologically and emotionally well-balanced;

holistic approach to life;

living in love; concern for the other;

no dichotomy between spiritual life and social life;

spirit of forgiveness and tolerance;

experience of the Fatherhood/Motherhood of God and

common fellowship of human beings;

self control;

promoting values of life, love and peace;

positive attitude towards others;

tolerance towards and acceptance of other religions;

openness to the divine;

optimistic about life;

faithfulness to God's grace and call;

humbly striving for the experi­ence of God;

willingness to read the Sacred Scripture, and reflect on its message;

readiness to get direction/guidance when required;

desire to be holy;

humility to accept as one is;

using the resources of nature in a responsible way;

following Jesus more closely;

sense of obedience/listening to the Spirit and to the legitimate autho­rity;

constant effort to grow;

consis­tency in words and actions;

cultivation of a sense of justice

and preferential option for the poor;

ever growing ability to discern between good and evil;

readiness to serve and give cheerfully;

ability to recognize and accept

the wonderful providence of God in nature;

appreciation of the beauty of the universe and

concern for nurturing its harmony;

unfailing hope and trust in God... and

Please feel free to add your reflections!

Glory be to the father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen!

------------------------------------------- Your comments to: vmalpan@gmail.com