Wednesday, September 16, 2009


To experience life in its wholeness:
Joy, Anguish, insecurity,
Contradictions of Living Existentially
Enjoy a few quite moments of silence
before reading the following… Let all the tension in you flow away… Read the following insights one by one;
allow each sentence to touch your inner self… Do not rationalize… Just wonder… Let your whole self be changed for the better… ===== 1) In the best of us there is the worst...”
I can will what is right but I cannot do it.
For I do not do the good I want,
but the evil that I do not want is what I do.”
(Rom 7/18-19)
2) In the worst of us there is the best...”
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has made me
free from the law of sin and death.” Rom 8/2
3) The masculine and the Feminine...
4) Our strength as Weakness;
Our Weakness as strength... “... Strength is made perfect in weakness...
for when I am weak then I am strong.”
5) Every opportunity is a crisis;
every crisis is an opportunity...
hence discernment...
6) Western principle of Contradiction:
Either/ Or (White or black)...
7) Eastern Principle of Contradiction:
Both/and... (White and black)
8) Contradictions are solved at higher levels:
union, convergence, love...
9) Be friendly with your weakness/shadow...
10) Without fight there is no victory...
11) Without resistance one cannot walk;
if the floor is too smooth it is difficult to walk...
12) Differences are to be accepted,
appreciated and celebrated...
13) Reality is a rainbow...
it is not monochromatic...
14) Wounded healer...
Jesus is the wounded healer...
We are called to participate in this mission...
Interir Freedom -> Passionate attachment ->
On fire -> Compassion - >
Peace... Peace...
Peace... Peace... Peace.
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