Saturday, July 4, 2009

Life-affirming potential of this BLOG

The Purpose of the Blog
Realizing the immense potential of the instrument of the Internet in our age of information technology I thought of starting this blog as part of my ministry of ‘spiritual conversations’ which can take varied forms and formats. My focus will mainly be, though not exclusively, on formative Christian spirituality which is open to cosmic-human-divine relationships.
A blog is a mini-website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. It is a web-platform, a shared and interactive space where readers can post their comments. You are most welcome to interact and contribute to this venture and give this URL (
to your friends.
You can contact me through my E-Mail id:
Thank you very much. God bless!
The Triune God is present
and active in our World,
in our Continent,
in our Country,
in our Community.
Let us see... Let us listen…
Let us respond. AMDG!